Bangladeshi Filmmaker Selected for Monitor 7 – The Globe and mail

NEW AGE Online edition
19/0312011 23:28:00 Admin

Cultural Corspondent

Bangladeshi short filmmaker Md Hasan Morshed's film Protocol has been selected for a film festival 'Monitor 7: New South Asian Short Film and Video' to be held in Toronto, Canada.
Monitor 7 is an annual experimental short film and video screening programme that showcases independent works by or about South Asians.This year the festival brings together 12 new
works by artists from Bangladesh, Canada, India, Pakistan, the UK and the USA, who explore a wide range of ideas and concerns bringing South Asian experience today.
Moreover, the films explore the relationship between everyday objects in the immediate environment such as swipe cards, pills, tongue depressors, Polaroid photographs, clocks, rocks
and idols with the moving image in the rapidly changing society.

In his one-minute film, Morshed presented the changes in life during different stages of time with an artistic endeavour. Hetried to explain the time as the protocol which continuously
rotates and make changes in life.

Contemporary Indian artist Sharmila Samant examines fear and longing of birth and destruction in her
film The Dilemma. Karen Mirza and Brad Butler presented everyday activities in Karachi during a period of civilunrest end developed a resonant attlque of traditional documentary practices in their film titled The Exception and The RuM.

The festival is coonlnated by UK-baMd performance and video artist Ayesha Hameed

The Globe and mail
South Asian video festival explores identity with flashes of humour, terror and anxiety
R.M. VAUGHAN Columnist
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Mar. 18, 2011 4:30PM EDT

Monitor 7: New South Asian Short Film and Video
Presented by South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC)
March 24, 7:30 p.m. Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave., Toronto

Sure to be crowd pleasers are Md. Hasan Morshed's Protocol, and How To Be A Brown Teen by the collective known as The Torontonians.
Protocol is a ticking, intentionally wonky stop-motion recording of a public performance. A man in a two-toned outfit (white on the front side,
black on the back) tumbles around a huge mandala, one decorated with alternating black and white pie slices. As the man tries to co­ ordinate his
movements (white, face up on the black slices, black, face down on the white parts), he begins to get lost in his movements, to stumble and roll,
and soon the whole black/white system collapses. AJI performance art should be so amusing.

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